1. A questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to respondents.
2. Because of its flexibility, the questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used to collect primary data.
3. Questionnaires need to be carefully developed, tested, and debugged before being administered.
-- The researcher carefully chooses the questions, wording, and sequence.
-- The form of the question can influence the response.
4. Marketing researchers used both closed-end and open-end questions.
Questionnaire Do’s and Don’ts
- Ensure questions are free of bias
- Make questions simple
- Make questions specific
- Avoid jargon
- Avoid sophisticated words
- Avoid ambiguous words
- Avoid negatives
- Avoid hypotheticals
- Avoid words that could be misheard
- Use response bands
- Use mutually exclusive categories
- Allow for “other” in fixed response questions